Taipei Rapid Transit Corporation (TRTC) announced on Saturday that two pet-only trains will run along the Taipei MRT's red line on Sunday.
Two pet-friendly trains will depart from Xiangshan and Tamsui stations at 1pm, with a total of eight trips planned throughout the day. The train will stop at all stations along the line as usual.
According to TRTC, owners can bring their pets to the MRT without pre-registration, which was a requirement for pet-only trains last year, when special pet trains were introduced for the first time last year and have proved very popular. Therefore, the company offered two trains this year.
Photo: Wei Zhenyun, Taipei Times
The last pet train departs from Xiangshan Station at 4:57 p.m., and from Tamsui Station at 4:24 p.m.
According to TRTC, to protect the rights and interests of passengers, the pet-friendly trains are an additional service and the existing train timetables will not be changed.
The company said the Pet Train doors will have stickers with the words “Pet Train” in Chinese on the sides and front of the Pet Train for easy identification and to encourage people to ride regularly. In case, he added. If there is a train, you should wait for the next one.
TRTC reminds people that pets must be placed in a pet stroller, box, bag or cage before entering an MRT station, adding that the animal's head, tail and limbs must not protrude from the carrier. Ta.
Guests with large pet strollers must purchase a one-way pet stroller ticket. The fare is NT$80 and includes one passenger and a pet stroller for unlimited distance.
According to TRTC, large pet transporters must travel in the first and last vehicle.
Pets must be fitted with chest straps and leashes before boarding the train, but they can be removed after boarding the train to free the animal from its carrier, it added.
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