Hypr Network is investor observer Data analysis. Our proprietary ranking system focuses on recent trading patterns over the past month to determine short-term technical strength. HYPR has a better recent technical analysis than 6% of tokens based on these trading indicators. Investors who are primarily focused on short-term investment strategies will find this technical analysis most relevant to their goals when deciding whether to invest in a particular cryptocurrency.
trading analysis
HYPR is currently $0.000000 (0.00%) above the 30-day low of $0.039998395 and -$0.046587 (-53.80%) below the 30-day high of $0.08658492. Furthermore, HYPR fell below its average trading price of $0.066897692 over the past month, and its current price is $0.039998395. Overall, Hypr Network’s recent trading history suggests that traders are currently bearish on this token. Hypr Network has a market capitalization of $2,872,668.48, which is relatively low for a token. Hypr Network's market value is relatively low, the market capitalization of the top 100 cryptocurrencies is still over $1 billion, and the top 500 cryptocurrencies are less than $100 million, even though the market capitalization of the top 500 cryptocurrencies is more than his $100 million. This is because it remains in On the other hand, HYPR’s average volume was low, with $740,474.50 worth of tokens traded in an average 24-hour period. HYPR's trading volume is relatively low, as the 100 most traded cryptocurrencies typically exchange $100 million each day, and smaller cryptocurrencies tend to have less than $5 million traded in a 24-hour period. . Over the past 24 hours, HYPR's volume was below normal, with $136,695.87 traded. A subclass of Hypr Network Gaming: Gaming cryptocurrencies are similar to traditional gaming rewards and items, but are decentralized and exist on the blockchain, allowing users to collect their XP, weapons, skins, etc. earned in-game. You can own items that can be traded. For other uses. This subclass also includes tokens used in gambling and other forms of entertainment.
Hypr Network’s trading over the past 30 days has led to a Weak Short-Term Technical score, as recent price movements suggest a more bearish signal for traders of the token in the near future. Click here to get the full report on Hypr Network (HYPR).