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There is no doubt that stress is part of everyday life, but too much stress can have a negative impact on people's physical and mental health.
During National Stress Awareness Month, we wanted to dig deeper into how stress affects our health. What effect does stress have on the body? When does a problem occur? And what are some ways to deal with it? And what can people do about stressors that can't be easily eliminated, such as hard work or caring responsibilities? Is not it?
To answer these questions, I spoke with CNN wellness expert Dr. Leena Wen. Wen is an emergency physician, and George is an adjunct associate professor at the University of Washington. She previously served as the health commissioner for the city of Baltimore.
CNN: What effect does stress have on the human body?
Dr. Liana Wen: When a person feels threatened, various hormones are released that make the heart beat faster and increase blood pressure and blood sugar levels. These hormones divert energy from other parts of the body, such as the immune system and digestive system. These were once evolutionary adaptations that helped people cope with situations such as being chased by a predator. This “fight or flight” response is normal and can be useful in modern life. For example, we can help athletes improve their performance or students stay awake to study for exams.
The problem occurs when the body's stress response continues. A persistent state of “fight or flight” can lead to a number of chronic problems. Individuals may experience anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. It can also cause headaches, muscle tension, abdominal pain, trouble sleeping, decreased immunity to infections, and problems with memory and concentration. Chronic stress is also associated with an increased chance of high blood pressure, diabetes, heart attack, and stroke.
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Stress can cause all kinds of health problems.
CNN: Everyone experiences stress, but when does it become a problem?
Wen: It is natural for people to experience stress in order to separate stressful events that occur in life (those with a clear onset, such as the birth of a child, starting a new job, divorce, death of a loved one, etc.). The problem is when stress becomes a chronic condition.
Warning signs to look out for include signs and symptoms of mental health concerns and physical manifestations of stress. For example, if someone starts having new heart palpitations, abdominal pain, or a headache. Additionally, some people try to cope with stress by using alcohol or drugs. Changes in substance use can be a red flag to look for underlying stressors.
You should also ask yourself whether your stress is having a negative impact on your life at home, at work, and with friends. If you're unusually irritable and lash out at loved ones or co-workers, excessive stress may be the culprit.
CNN: Why should we be mindful of excessive stress and try to reduce stress as a health priority?
Wen: Stress can be thought of as a modifiable part of life, just like high blood pressure or high blood sugar. Just as you can't change your genetic predisposition to high blood pressure or diabetes, you may not be able to change the stress factors themselves. But our reaction to it is within our control. And it is our response to stressors that determines our health outcomes. If stress is as detrimental to our health as high blood pressure or diabetes, we can and should look for ways to reduce those effects.
CNN: What are some ways you deal with stress?
Wen: First, it's important to clarify that there are good and bad ways to deal with stress. Some people may turn to these not-so-good methods because they might make them feel better in the short term, but there are real risks. I mentioned drinking and drug use, which are clearly not healthy coping mechanisms. Neither of us overeats or smokes.
I think it's really important to be aware of yourself. Be honest with yourself. When faced with stressful situations in the past, have you resorted to these unhealthy methods to cope? If so, always be mindful and try to prevent these behaviors during stressful times. please.
Also, try to anticipate when stressful situations will occur. Is there a big deadline coming up at work? A family gathering that tends to evoke negative emotions? A difficult conversation with a loved one? Knowing that a stressful event is likely to occur allows you to anticipate your reactions and plan accordingly.
I also recommend making a list of stress relief techniques that have worked for you in the past. And try new techniques. Deep breathing exercises, like mindfulness meditation, for example, are something everyone can try and find helpful both in the moment of stress and afterwards.
I'm also a big fan of exercise. There is good scientific evidence that exercise is highly effective in managing stress. Exercise reduces stress hormones and increases endorphins, the “feel good” neurotransmitters that relax your body and improve your mood.
CNN: What advice do you have for people who have stressors in their lives that can't be easily removed, such as a demanding job or caregiving responsibilities?
Wen: Of course, this is very difficult, since it would be ideal to deal with the stressor itself. However, many people have stressful situations that they cannot change.
It helps to be upfront about it and recognize that changing the situation is out of your control. However, what you can control is your reaction to the situation.
This is where self-awareness and self-care become extremely important. Learn to recognize when you're feeling particularly stressed. You probably feel tension in your neck and back muscles, as well as cramps and tremors in your abdomen. This is the time to practice deep breathing, meditation, and other exercises that can help in the short term.
Setting aside time for self-care is essential for both short- and long-term benefits. What I'm talking about here is activities that you enjoy and that can distract your mind from stressful life situations. These include going for a walk with your best friend, working in your garden, playing with your pet, reading a good book, or participating in other favorite activities. Think of the time you are taking for yourself as a type of therapy. Stress can make a person unhealthy, so this is a way to give yourself a “therapy” to offset stress.
Along these lines, recognize that stress is one of the factors that can affect your health and try to maximize other aspects that contribute to your overall health. Try to get enough restful sleep. Aim to eat healthy whole foods and reduce your intake of ultra-processed products. Make sure other chronic conditions, such as high blood pressure, are treated. Also, if the stress you are experiencing is leading to ongoing mental health or physical distress, seek immediate help from your mental health agency or primary care provider.