Nearly half of men and women in the United States have high blood pressure, but many are unaware that they have it.
The best way to know is to get it tested, but the old-fashioned method of wearing a blood pressure cuff on your arm in the doctor's office may not be the most accurate reading.
“Hypertension is a major public health problem in the United States and around the world,” said Dr. Maria Delgado, a hypertension specialist at the University of Miami.
Delgado said she often hears that patients can feel stressed when visiting a doctor, and it's called “white coat syndrome.”
“My blood pressure is 120/70 at home, but when I come here it's really high,” Delgado said.
That's why she believes the patch is the solution. Bio Beat Her Skin In her patch, light reflects from the sensor to the heart and then back to the patch, subconsciously measuring heart rate, blood oxygen, and blood pressure.
“It's measured 24 hours a day, but you don't feel like your blood pressure is being measured,” Delgado said.
Especially suitable for measuring blood pressure at night. A study conducted in Oxford found that 15% of people aged 40 to 75 may have undiagnosed high blood pressure that only develops at night.
“You're not measuring your blood pressure at 1 a.m., 2 a.m., 3 a.m., so this patch helps you understand what's happening while you're sleeping,” Delgado said.