The Crookston Tourism Board (CVB) held a meeting Tuesday morning at the Irishman's Shanty.
Official Minnesota Twins yearbook ad rejected
CVB Chairman Bob Magsam updated the Board on recent discussions with the Minnesota Twins to include CVB in the official yearbook for all 81 home games. The advertising cost for half of the program's pages costs him $10,000. For full pages his price jumps to $39,500. The board agreed not to proceed with the advertisement. “The consensus of the board is that there are other ways (that money) could be used,” Magsam said. “It could have even more local benefits for our community.”
Grants to organizations that win CVB awards
However, the board approved giving the Blue Line Club a $500 marketing grant for radio advertising about the upcoming tournament. The board also awarded a $450 marketing grant to the Downtown Crookston Development Partnership (DCDP) to help promote the Broadway at the Grand event. This covers the cost of distributing posters and flyers.
The board reviewed a marketing grant application from UMC to be used in the summer of 2024. “This combines a farmer's market with a community garden,” Magsam said. “They're also planning an art and wine walk in August and that long-term deal. The goal is to revitalize that image and get people in the community involved.” He applied for $3,000 to the CVB to help promote this event. The board ultimately approved awarding the grant to UMC.
The board also approved reimbursement of a $612 marketing grant to the Ice Buster Day Committee.
CVB's latest grant guidelines
Mr. Magsam closed the meeting by updating the board on recent grant guidelines changes and updates for future applicants. “The board actually wanted to meet and update the grant guidelines,” Magsam said. “Some questions about these guidelines and the application in general. One of the changes he felt we needed was that he no longer necessarily limited funding to $3,000.”
Previously, the CVB required all organizations applying for grants to attend a CVB meeting and present their application and reason for seeking grant funding. The Board reached consensus that small grants do not require much explanation and many of these presentations are deemed unnecessary. “We know what these events look like and how they spend their marketing dollars,” Magsam says. “For smaller grants (less than $3,000 in value in his opinion), he felt he didn't necessarily have to come in for a presentation. That would be welcome, but it would no longer be required.”
The CVB will meet at the Irishman's Shanty on Thursday, March 14th at 7am.