It's sometimes amazing to see a billion dollar company spend millions of dollars developing and manufacturing a new car, only to completely fail when it comes to marketing it. From wondering why no one buys the car if you haven't done any marketing (I'm looking at you, GM) On the topic of today's post, trying too hard just makes you tired.
all car manufacturers If they are guilty of this, just find an example of them doing this. One thing I found both disgusting and sad was the 2017 Jaguar XJ ad.
This was back when Jaguar was still using the tagline “Art of Performance.” This was also from the era when drone photography and Game of Thrones were popular. So someone in the Jags marketing department thought, “Let's combine these three things about him to get young people interested in his XJ!'' They explained what the hell was going on in about two minutes.
This ad is called “Game of Drones.” The premise is 13 neon lights in the shape of an XJ's door opening (?) through which a drone called “Circuit” passes, annoying music, three XJLs, one special edition XJR 575, and an XJR He was one of two drone pilots who operated the drone from the back of the 575. The loser got to walk home, and the winner got to ride in the back seat of his XJL. It's all stupid and pointless. It's a shame because I wanted young people to be interested in the XJ. Average age of XJ buyers He was 58 years old. It's sad just looking at it.
Here's a question for Jalopnik readers. What's the most offensive automotive marketing you've ever seen? Call it print, brochures, or any kind of consumable media. Let us know in the comments.