Learn about production costs to improve farm profitability
Farm Pulse: A hybrid crop insurance and grain marketing course explores helping farmers estimate production costs, evaluate crop insurance products, and consider grain marketing tools that best fit their farm's grain marketing plan. (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
MADISON, Wis. — Crop farmers may be frustrated by fluctuations in commodity markets, crop input prices, and practices that affect both crop yield and quality. Farm Pulse: A hybrid crop insurance and grain marketing course explores helping farmers estimate production costs, evaluate crop insurance products, and consider grain marketing tools that best fit their farm's grain marketing plan.
Course participants will be able to:
- Recall the economic basis of agricultural production.
- Recognize your comfort level with risk and describe your level of risk tolerance for your farm business.
- Identify the types of insurance products available and which are most relevant to your farm business.
- Identify the components of a written marketing plan.
- Identify the marketing tools available and when each tool is used.
- Calculate production costs.
- Develop written risk management, grain marketing, and crop insurance plans.
- Complete a review of previous or current crop insurance products.
- Illustrates a farm's plan for implementing aspects of a written grain marketing and crop insurance plan.
Participants follow a case farm through a series of eight modules. Complete practical and interactive risk management, crop insurance, and grain marketing activities.
Virtual and in-person meetings are scheduled from January to March 2024 to review course materials, discuss with other participants, and apply the information on your farm.
After completing the course, participants will be able to apply these skills from the case farm to their own farm business. An instructor will be present throughout the course to provide technical support and lead in-person meetings.
For more information about the Farm Pulse course, please feel free to contact instructor Katie Wantoch at katie.wantoch@wisc.edu or 608-354-3992.
To learn more and register, visit https://go.wisc.edu/c885hp.
See below for upcoming events and learning opportunities. farms.extension.wisc.edu
This resource was developed by the University of Wisconsin-Madison Extension in collaboration with the U.S. Department of Agriculture and the counties of Wisconsin. This material is based on research supported by USDA/NIFA under Award Number 2021-70027-34694.
—University of Wisconsin-Madison Extension Department