DENVER — State lawmakers have proposed a bill to curb the rise in attacks on health care workers in Colorado.
Data from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics shows that health care and social service workers are five times more likely to be assaulted on the job than other occupations.
The Colorado Nursing Association's Research Advisory and Networking Team says workplace violence in the healthcare field is “pervasive, underreported, and negatively impacts workplace safety and patient outcomes.” The same brief states that the effects of this problem lead to increased stress, burnout, trauma, and even separation from the profession. The report says reducing workplace violence is important to prevent “the nursing shortage crisis from worsening”.
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State Rep. Eliza Hamrick (D-Arapahoe/Douglas Counties) wants to prevent workplace assaults against health care workers with House Bill 24-1066. Hospitals, emergency departments, nursing homes, assisted living homes and federally qualified health centers are eligible.
The bill would require facilities to establish workplace violence prevention committees to record and review incidents of violence against employees. These committees will develop workplace-specific violence prevention plans.
“This creates a process for frontline workers to amplify their voices on workplace violence committees,” Hamrick said. “The great thing about this bill is that it leaves facility workers to decide what is in their best interest.”
According to the bill, 60% of workplace violence is classified as verbal assault, 36% as threats, 29% as physical violence, and 4% as using objects or weapons.
Hamrick said the framework included in the bill is based on best practices.
“This is modeled after California passed a law that reduced workplace violence by about 40 percent,” Hamrick said. “Criminal penalties for assaulting nurses already exist, and our bill looks at the preventive side… We've seen it time and time again by increasing penalties. However, this does not necessarily mean that certain types of crime will decrease.
Assaulting a health care worker is considered a felony in Colorado, Hamrick said.
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The National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI) of Colorado supports this bill.
“Our biggest concern in the mental health field is that if we put them on the criminal justice path, they're going to end up in a tangle that's very difficult to get out of,” said the executive director. Ray Merenstein said. “We're trying to build a system that actually works, rather than perpetuating a system that's already broken when it comes to mental health.”
The Colorado Behavioral Health Council (CBHC) now has a revised opinion on this bill. CBHC officials said they took that position because they believe, from a provider perspective, there is some overlap in what is already required of health care facilities.
The bill has been submitted to the House of Representatives and is scheduled for consideration in committee.
Colorado Legislature aims to prevent violence against health care workers with bill
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